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Kerem hotel Group: Elma Hotel / Gordonia Hotel
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BaKhatzer shel Ofer (Ofer's Backyard) - Moshav Mata

The BaKhatzer shel Ofer patio, open to the landscape and complemented by quiet background music and an in-house herb garden just a few meters away, is well worth the trip. Accessed on foot from Ein Mata, the restaurant stands amid bike riding paths, the Judea region’s wine route and many attractions for nature lovers. The menu consists mostly of salads, focaccias, home-style beers, stuffed vegetables and smoked meats, with other choices as well.

Friday breakfast: 8:30-12:00. Lunch served on Saturday.
Address: 17 HaElah St., Moshav Mata.
Tel: 054-7910480

Directions: Drive southeast from Ein Kerem along Road #386, or northeast from Zur Hadassah. Turn right onto Road #375 after passing Bar Giora, until arriving at Mata.
